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Optimax Laser Eye Surgery Referral Scheme
How the referral scheme work :

You receive:

£150 off

Wavefront Treatment from this referral
Simply email:

We simply refer you, given your name, address and contact details and we will link files together.

This is an offer / referal that does not cost you anything.

So if you are looking to have laser surgery done we will both benefit from this!

There are 27 Locations Nationwide in United Kingdom

Belfast Birmingham Brighton Bristol
Cardiff Croydon Glasgow Guildford
Hull Ipswich Leeds Leicester
Liverpool London - Canary Wharf London - Finchley Road London - Liverpool Street
London - Victoria Manchester Milton Keynes Newcastle
Newton Abbot Nottingham Peterborough Reading
Southampton Southend-on-Sea York
Optimax locations

We need: Title, First Name, Surname, Address, Date Of Birth, Work Phone, Home Phone, Post Code, Mobile Phone,Email Address

My reference for the discount is Surname and ID Number

My Surname is for the above:


ID number:


£1495 per eye then the discount is £150 for you.

I was short sighted at -6.5 in each eye. I had the surgery and much better for it. Basically your vision is immediately corrected, which you will see happen when you look at the laser. They cut the surface for this and put a surface contact lens over night. The tricky bit is you will be adding drops constantly on your eyes, which become less regular. This helps and eventually you don't need anything. I go surfing now and cycle a lot with freedom from condensation on glasses. I had my surgery done (2011) when I was 32 years old, and things are great still. I think the miracle feeling lasts a few months which is exciting but after a couple of years you get used to the fact that you can see.