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Personal Experience from Private School to Keir Starmer / Elites and Criminal Political Leadership
Institutionalisation leading to Max Spiers Research

Edge Grove Background

Edge Grove is my prep school from (1987-1992, 8-13 years old) which is the continuation of trauma from St Christopher's, Radlett "pre-prep school". Elizabeth S Cornelissen ran St Christopher's school daughter of Mr Harry Hart. Abuse started from Mrs Hart (mother of Christopher Hart), in St Christopher's, Radlett before the age of 7 or 8 years old. Mrs Hart would beat me round the back of head when attempting spelling in St Christopher's. I believe abuse starts at 6 years old in St Christophers. Later In Edge Grove, a single-sex boys boarding school, when I was taught by Christopher Hart the very son of Mrs Hart, I learned there was a family strangeness. Other kids that were overnight-borders would often say that I was lucky to be a Day Boy, However my domestic life with my parents was awful as my parents were either overworked or mentally ill and could not bring up children. During this period state schools had abolished Corporal punishment. Independent schools like Edge Grove still maintained this standard. Caning is used to instil fear in a child, thereby prompting obedience. I had frequently been put on a red book alike to a report card called "Satis" a Latin phrase, often used in literary English, meaning "Enough!". All students are called only their surnames to such an extent that my elder brother and I could only be called "Timmann 1" and "Timmann 2". The school population was divided into houses where we would assemble outside mornings, midday and evenings or into an assembly hall. Any adult walking into a class room, all private school children must stand to attention. Permission had to be asked for anything from going to the toilet ("please may I be excused ?") or the staff room, even just to walking on grass. There was a "black squad", where you would be lined up, paraded into the middle section of the school yard for official public shaming, which I had been sent to once for my brother selling Christmas sellotape to children in school. Any parent walking around the school, private school children would offer assistance to. If playing cricket we would suspend play exclaiming ("lady in the yard"), if a woman needed to walk past. The weak are removed, if the grades do not qualify then there is no succession. Students are 'at odds with themselves' with no empathy or each other, speaking out was "Sneaking" or being a "Grass", where victims would come out worse. Where state schools accept any student, private schools only select the brightest with wealth.

Classmate Edward Hills, in Edge Grove, had a father who was a Sandhurst Sergeant, we had a day out going through the compulsory physical training process.

Most of the education had a foundation on English principles, Christiniaty with hymns sung in small Chapel in school, seperate large Church, assembly and class rooms. Our competition schools were Haberdashers' Boys' School and Harrow.

As a victim of abuse's wish to be kept anonymous, the survivor was bullied daily. I had a screaming mother to return home to, struggling with obsessive compulsive disorder, agoraphobia, migraines, clinical despression, anxiety, compulsive hand washing using boiling water and an extreme hoarding illness. In school I was aware of the ongoing stresses put into many students in their formative years. Some would just hide, for example under a caravan that a cook lived in. I was lucky as I had developed critical thinking skills, strong intuition, long periods of concentration, pattern recognition with a keen focus on research. Introspection developed my distrust of establishments, institutions, hierarchy, political corruption and international war stemmed from the period leading to the first gulf war, inflammed by war propaganda. This scenario was based around control and obsession with power ; elitism (the attitude that society should be governed by an elite bubble accepting no ramifications or consequences). The truth would gradually come out from a counterculture that real history is being manipulated. I found many people functioning at an unconscious / uncritical level. I saw the main stream media, ran by Rupert Murdoch or Robert Maxwell, as working against the people's interests of peacefull solutions by avoiding war. We did not have the internet then. Private school made me use my own wits (meaning basic human power of intelligent thought with perception). Critical thinking using my own instincts with a healthy paranoia helped to avoid to follow the consensus.

My father being from Hamburg, Germany and my mother from Kandy, Sri Lanka my background was opposite. My father in my early childhood worked abroad and would fly back home on the weekend. My father would joke that all we had gotten from these private schools was the upper class dialect (spoken in an intelligible, clear and brisk manner). I had never been explained fully from my father World War 2, which he grew up being bombed by the British. I had never intrinsically believed of a Holocaust gassing 6 million people in disguised communal showers and thought this as post war propaganda, based on "Unconditional Surrender" in Germany. My father described that people in Germany regarded this as "rumours", likely orchestrated from a "Freimaurer" whispering campaign (freemason).

In Germany inflation and usury had crippled the country post World War 1 from the Treaty of Versailles. Most of my grandparents business and property were sold off to pay just interest rates, then Oscar Timmann born 25th October 1885 killed himself 9th March 1929 with a gun to the head, living only 43 years, 4 months, 12 days. The suicide was induced from great financial presure, being forced to sell many pubs in Hamburg, brought on from usury and extreme inflation. My father and his mother stayed in underground shelters most nights. The Allied bombing of Hamburg during World War II included genocide of civilians, destroying civic infrastructure. My father and mother left Hamburg on the 23rd July 1943 to Schleswig-Holstein, to treat my fathers Tuberculosis (TB). On returning their house was bombed which they would not have survived. After World War 2 ended my father found a dead baby in the lake in Hamburg and notified the police.

In Edge Grove school, classmates that went to Christopher Hart's Devon cottage would describe their trauma to me. The borders would leave in the night time to "Cub wood". They also went onto organised skiing trips. The victim of abuse's wish to be kept anonymous changed quite significantly in Edge Grove, this can be seen physically at the end of year photographs, where the anonymous survivor looked increasingly depressed. Christopher Hart would teach computer science, which I went onto by my first degree at Sussex University. Christopher Hart took a lead position in Edge Grove, but I sensed that Mr Hart wanted to be more in the shadows. We were told by Mr Hart to swim naked if we did not have our swimming briefs. Mr Hart would be my Rugby teacher at the age of 11 to 13 years old. Initially we had naked foot baths with a thick sponge to remove the mud, that was supervised by matrons. Later on we had our own communal showers. Mr Hart would stand there staring at the naked boys and would be told by the two matrons to leave. Subversion by Mr Hart (destroying someone's, or group's honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity), has influenced children to always speak highly of Mr Hart. Decades later, a seperate old boy account from Edge Grove boarding school from the late 70's to mid 80's had endured "taunts, shouting and whippings". That school boy's escape attempts were met with ferocious dogs, one instance resulting in a dog bite and a shocking rifle shot from Mr. Pratt's office. The supposed comfort from Mr. Pratt's wife proved disingenuous. Letter writing to family was censored by staff. For that school boy haunting memories persist for the boarder's traumatic and disgusting school experience, recently compounded by a bipolar disorder diagnosis.

Christopher Hart

Former Radlett teacher jailed for historic indecent assaults against schoolboys (16th April 2019)
Former Radlett teacher Christopher Hart jailed for abusing schoolboys more than 30 years ago (11th April 2019)
Former teacher jailed for abusing Radlett schoolboys (10th April 2019)

  • A former Radlett teacher has been jailed for four years after indecently assaulting his pupils 30 years ago (during the 1970s and 1980s). Christopher Hart targeted boys aged 8 to 13 by finding ways to be alone with them or engaging in group play fights. The now 79-year-old worked as a science and computer studies teacher at Edge Grove School in Radlett at the time, and was described as scary by some of his victims. Described as "scary" by some of his victims, Hart would find ways to be alone with a boy; on other occasions he would fight with groups of boys, targeting one boy and sexually abusing them. Most of the offences took place on school grounds and many near the pool, where Hart supervised swimming. However, some of the crimes happened at his cottage in Devon, where he took boys for end-of-year trips. The crimes came to light some 30 years later, in 2017, after a victim reported his ordeal to the school's headteacher - who in turn advised him to report it to the police. Officers were then able to investigate and approach other victims to testify against Hart. Mr Hart was found guilty of eight counts of indecent assault against five boys who were all under 14, and not guilty on one count of indecent assault, sentenced at Harrow Crown Court on April 10. Hart "was sentenced to four years in jail, and to be indefinitely included on the sex offenders register, on the same day. Senior crown prosecutor Jason Wolfe said: "Christopher Hart took advantage of his position as a teacher to commit these awful crimes which have had life-long consequences for his victims. We recognise how difficult it has been for the victims to give evidence in this case - for some of them this was the first time they have spoken about what happened to them. We hope they feel a sense of justice now that Hart has been convicted." Senior Crown Prosecutor Mr Jason Wolfe is part of the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) unit in Crown Prosecution Service Thames and Chiltern. Anyone who has information about criminal activity, historic or otherwise, should contact police on 101. There are various charities available for anyone who has been the victim of sexual abuse, including Victim Support on 0808 1689 111.

  • < Convicted found guilty of eight counts of indecent assault against five boys, all under 14 at the time.
    Sentenced at Harrow Crown Court to four years in prison on April 10 2019.
    Currently working Baytree Cottage Studios, seaside property in Lesbury, near Alnmouth, Northumberland Aug 2000 - Present.

    The Making of Them (1994) >

    Coverup / Assassinate the character / Victim blaming

    By the time I passed all my Common Entrance exams, I got into the next private school "Aldenham", which Michael Higginbottom was the Head Master, which was quite common as this was all near Radlett. By this stage I found children at 13 years old with clinical depression and suicidal thoughts. Some were in clinical therapy by this age.

    My father did not want this elite education both from extortionate fees and our circumstances of pressure. My father in Hamburg, Germany did not wear a school uniform, just regular clothes, even this notion was obsurd to him. The 'anonymous survivor' in Edge Grove did not succeed to Aldenham Private school and was much happier when not in competitive academic environments. I however was analysing the environment, socially and institutionally. I had witnessed how groupthink operated, herd mentality, and how this was constructed. My results during Edge Grove were never good during the middle years. However as the last two year approached towards Common Entrance, I studied feverishly the background over a whole summer period. Even studying further ahead of the syllabus of the coming terms as to prepare. By the time I took my Common Entrance exams I felt quite capable and confident. In some exams I had enough experience from previous exam papers LEG / SEG and LEAG exam boards, that I marked my own papers and would leave the exams tests early. By the last year I had gained respect from both teachers and students alike, where my view of the teachers were that they were trying to help us. However other students were not happy being pushed off "the top spot" in exam results. In Aldenham fagging was still occuring. Fagging was a traditional practice in British public schools and also at many other boarding schools, whereby younger pupils were required to act as personal servants to the eldest boys. In Aldenham, I was a day-boarder, meaning I woke up at 7am at my parents house, driven to Aldenham arriving at 8:30am. The whole days I would attend classes and stay during the evening for dinner and evening schoolwork. I attended Paull's House which was founded in 1906 as a boys' House.

    By 1993 in Aldenham school my thoughts had already been fully developed on real history . The Arab Israeli conflict was befitting (the good of the nation), taught to children in a framework only as a "Cold War threat"; not the establishment foreign policy, armament manufacturing, commiting illegal invasions of genocide to exploit indigenous populations.

    Once I became a full time border this was quite a relief. Despite it feeling like a prison, where pupils were under enormous amounts of rules, the family home I was brought up in was abusive. My father would wake up as early as possible, quickly brush his teeth, shower and eat cereal, then rush out of the household to work. Working is where my father was happiest, which in German thinking men the drive to further themselves, not be held back. Father being a fully functioning adult, ran his own company, did all the food shopping, cooking, house chores like gardening, shampooing entire ground floor carpets in the middle of the night, and pay all the bills responsibly on time. The only times my father would be in chronic uncontrollable stress is when his wife would telephone. The shouting at the top of the voice, demanding to be left alone could be heard at the opposite corner of the warehouse building. I received my first degree at the University of Sussex. I remember my first year around 1997 to 1998, as a large group of studentsi in protest we occupied for weeks a building in Sussex University in opposition to student fees being introuduced under the Blair government. Our protest group was televised but blocked then stopped, brought to a end by the Tavistock Institute. After graduating from Computer Science and Management (with some AI modules), I did a Master of Business Administration (MBA), returning to work with my father for many years till 2016. Under tradional German values, if you inherited your fathers business, it was required to have a "Lehrjahr", meaning, "apprentice year", which means you have to go somewhere else (Travel) to fend for yourself in a foreign culture. For me this was building my own motorhome, to live / work, visit new cultures as a right of passage, heroism of young people who have to create a life of their own. My father being traditional German was very happy that I had experienced "Lehrjahr". I seek an intelligent wife for family to have children. My father has passed the business for me to soley function. On my return my frail father (83 years old) would be left alone in his house where he developed hypertension and sepsis in the blood, both I cured with Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome routinely given from 12.10.2019 which I had isolated and expanded in my own laboratory. I learnt cell cuture in 2018 during my travels, as I was left alone which gave me the mental space to develop and learn what I was interested in. Having returned back to the United Kingdom the living standards quickly dropped when my father was incapable to undertake all the work himself. My brother left a full warehouse, letters piled up and could not even answer a phone call knowing what the business actually did. Bills could not paid, and mishandling of finances accumalted to the most extreme disaster I have ever heard. My father and I worked together tirelessly which we finally achieved the one target every human aspires to; we had paid of all the mortgage on both the house and London flat.

    John Napoli defrauds our family

    In 2003 mother has been called by one of her Sri Lankan cronies, Prisanta. My elderly frial, vulnerable, gullible, mentally ill mother was introduced to John Napoli an American from California. My mother duped into remortgaging the house and flat. The total value not being 1970's property cost, but from the modern value. This sum of one million was handed directly to this complete stranger John Naploi in the Landmark hotel corridor in London. My father who was also present insisted this was not an investment but a blatantly obvious crime. As my father met this criminal Napoli face to face, he was able to determine that not only was he being duped, but his wife was targeted. Under this circumstance of destitution my father was then forced into working into his eighties stopping work at the age of 83 years old. My father would leave the house with me to work for 9am, working though out the whole day, then continue on working through the whole night and leave the workplace at 9am the following day. My mother demanded that my father type millions of pages of letters to the legal case, that to this day is stored with us.

    When I attended Sussex University I had found that learning on my own (being self taught), normally on a Sunday, would be the most impactful. Autodidacticism is education without the guidance of masters (such as teachers and professors) or institutions (such as schools). When ever I worked in groups there was always a struggle. My father notified me at Sussex that we were defrauded in a ponzi scheme. My father felt so ashamed it took over 100 letters to gradually explain the circumstances. When the police were contacted my father filled in two witness statements. The first witness statement explained that with no doubt my father knew Napoli was a criminal defrauding us. The BBC article illustrates just how curated the news is : Curated meaning carefully chosen, arranged, then presented differently in order to get a particular effect. My father's second witness statement was regarding a "Non disclosure agreement". Napoli had promised to return the full amount of our own money on signing an NDA as a blatant 'Vociferous Blackmail'. Pali signed the NDA, not asking for the money to be kept temporarily with a legal representive attorney as a transitional safety condition. Napoli had then received a signed NDA but did not return the funds as promised, all shown in legal documents. My mother then despite knowing us to be defrauded by Napoli, went onto to give £25,000 to John James, and £100,000 to Fonseka in further seperation for funds who also defrauded us in the criminal gang. All the criminal parties John James, Fonseka, and Napoli were identified in clear forensic evidence as a mafia criminal gang, yet the ring leader Napoli had all criminal charges dropped. Once the CPS prosecution built up the criminal case to Southwark Crown Court, Napoli had appointed as a criminal defence lawyer Alexander Cameron, the brother of the incumbent Prime Minister David Cameron. Simultaneously in the United States the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) pursued John Napoli, a California resident, which had an extensive criminal career history on Napoli from previous criminal cases of the same ponzi fraud. When the FBI contacted the UK Fraud Squad, the FBI did not want the costs of the current duel investigations, leaving the criminal case for Napoli to be solely prosecuted by the UK Fraud Squad at Southwark Crown Court. Self-fulfilling prophecies are an example of the more general phenomenon of positive feedback loops. A self-fulfilling prophecy can have either negative or positive outcomes. Merely applying a label to someone or something can affect the perception of the person/thing and create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Thinking people, when disaster strikes, make it their priority to look for its causes, in order to prevent it happening again.

    Keir Stamer was head of Director of Public Prosecution where a duplicitous deal was struck, similar to Jeffrey Epstein's "Non-Prosecution Agreement" by Alexander Acosta. The CPS decided to omit my father from contact and deal only with my mentally unwell mother. In turn the CPS dropped the charges of "Fraud, Deception and Money Laundering" citing in court :

    This single sentence above, diametrically opposed by the victims, ended :

  • prosecuting Napoli dropping the serious charges of "Fraud, Deception and Money Laundering"
  • a 5 year criminal investigation over multiple continents
  • enormous investigation costs with court costs
  • the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation
  • withholding my father being a direct witness
  • The crime of extortion is very similar to blackmail. It also involves obtaining something from another person (usually money, property, or services) through the use of coercion (the act of compelling by force of authority by a "Non disclosure agreement").

  • The prosecutions tactic was to make the victim appear completely insane so no one listens to them anymore. All the while, despite the physical evidence available in bank statements of the clandestine operation which could be easily proved in the Southwark Crown trail. No bank statements were shown to the jury to prove the ponzi fraud had no financial investment. As the UK prosecution got what they wanted by abandoning the prosecution of Napoli, they were left with a quandary. 300 victims had been defrauded in a Bernie Madoff type ponzi fraud. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission had multiple warnings from the honourable Greek Harry Markopolos of the largest ponzi fraud in history by Bernie Madoff. We contacted both Harry Markopolos and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, only being replied back just by Harry Markopolos. My mother and father were the only victims to have dealt with Napoli directly, who was the orchestrator of the ponzi fraud. John Napoli had a very long criminal history of fraud in the United States. Keir Starmer, a human rights lawyer, was head of the Crown Prosecution Services and headed the legal case. My mother Pali spoke to Keir Starmer, explaining that if the prosecution let the Californian mafia get away with this crime done to us, fraud would be repeated by John Napoli yet again. Pali came downstairs after the phone call then told us "Keir Starmer is absolutely evil". We wrote to Keir Starmer stating if you drop the charges of Fraud, Deception and Money Laundering, John Napoli will repeat the same exact crime. Napoli did reoffend exactly as we had predicted to Kier Starmer. We were contacted by Gerald Unger, a US researcher in California. The researcher found us from our legal case in the United Kingdom. We spoke with Gerald Unger whose client had been defrauded of $250,000 in 2011 (which we received a scanned copy of the cheque. This just after Keir Starmer let John Napoli go. The UK prosection in 2010 gave a "slap on the wrist" charge : 'not obtaining a licence to trade in bonds (AA or AAA)'. It was self explanatory that Napoli did not obtain a licence to trade in bonds as the purpose of the ponzi fraud, just only to steal money from victims. We have since been pursuing how to charge the CPS for failing to prosecute.

    Southwark Crown Court returned Napoli's passport, to fly to California, asked to return the false investment of the victims in the United Kingdom. Of course, Napoli did not voluntarily return to Southwark Crown Court to pay back the victims. In court that day Judge Pitts was outraged that Napoli was not charged with "Fraud, Deception and Money Laundering" and not paying taxes, when Napoli was clearly guilty of the crimes by bank statements alone. These vacuous words were just left in an court room with Napoli's criminal defence lawyer Alexander Cameron to shrug his shoulders, scratch his hair to sigh 'on well'. Napoli had paid the astronomic legal costs of the criminal defence lawyer, Alexader Cameron, from the proceeds of crime of Ponzi Fraud stolen from the victims.

    Some years passed, Napoli was found by interpol in Germany, brought to the UK to serve the 'slap on the wrist' charge. The Proceed of Crime department in the United Kingdom asked Napoli to payback the victims. Napoli did not provide any information and exited. Since this period I contacted our local MP Daisy Cooper and the Proceeds of Crime in the UK. MP Daisy Cooper has shown support for Palestinians and Sri Lankan workers who have been exploited. The MP Daisy Cooper is the single best prospect we have to solving the case, and the only person who has respondend to help at the political level. My mother celebrated the communication to the MP Daisy Cooper, as a positive step to investigate the injustice to us. Seperately Nicola Cooper of the Proceeds of Crime offered UK support if the FBI in the States would charge Napoli. I made a Freedom of Information Request for the FBI agent who initially investigated Napoli, but we have never had a response from the Freedom of Information Request to the FBI agents name.

    Cold Case

    A cold case is a crime, or a suspected crime, that has not yet been fully resolved and is not the subject of a current criminal investigation, but for which new information could emerge from new witness testimony, re-examined archives, new or retained material evidence, or fresh activities of a suspect. Britain has a long history of hiding in plain sight using institutions. Picking, Pointing and Blaming is such a large part of the British paradigm. Blame being a huge part. Nobody wants to take responsibility for what has happened to us as victims. There has to be an element of responsibility instead of saying 'it is your fault', because then it is quick and over that way. We are building our own reality collectively. How did we hand our power away to Keir Starmer, the Camerons and Napoli, that doesn't have our best interests at heart? My mother has after years has not responded to the MP Daisy Cooper, which confirms my mother is incapable. I am the only person left to handle this case on own when my mother passes away. I have been given the permission by both my mother and father to continue the Napoli case, which we have applied for Power of Attorney. In the midst of the Timmann family they are also blocking and preventing me from continuing this, under the belief that I should not be in charge of finances, despite being the only person bringing in the total income that pays the mortgage and bills. I strongly belive that I can win this legal situation but I have a toxic communication, combined with constant abuse from my brother Roland which drains me. Eventually both my father and mother will pass away and I will be left to handle this all, but the process we are now in is damage limitation of cost and inheritance.

    Inheritance tax is not payable on gifts that are paid at least seven years before the source of the possession dies, be it property or money. My father is actively trying to facilitate this as a cost free transition, whilst my mother and brother are bastardised to prevent this, even though it is illogical.

    Decades after the showtrial ended my entire family become incapable to addressing bills, the legal cases, repairing their dilapidated house or passing on inheritance. My mother is repeating the same to collapse all aspects, the house, the flat, the debts, the crisis of the mafia, and the business. Both the London flat and the house are in such disrepair they can only be sold at hundreads of thousands off the market price. Currently my father has tried to pass the business to me, of which I am the only person carrying all the burder. My mother approaching 90 years old, still with her mentall illness has operated like a dictator, blocking my father from his wish to hand the business to his only functional working son of the business. I found myself crying to be away from them all. All the bills will be in my name, as my mother has gotten so old still believing eveyone else is at fault. Passing the property to the family and not the government is what every family in the United Kingdom does to avoid the heavy cost of inheritance tax. It has become clear to me that closing down all work operations is the only strategy to clear debt of millions of pounds, the housing crisis and the ongoing mental illness of the family. My mother in just one single swoop, reversed all our lifetime achievements in work, even leading to my homelessness, with Alcoholism for some decades since 15 years old (recorded on NHS medical records). No one in the household could hold any responsibility of which I have worked since 1995 with my father, this will all come to end destructively.

    Spiral of Criminal Networks

    After my travels had ended my father had 10 credit cards at their maximum overdraft, also re-mortgaged the mortgage, also taking out multipe loans. As my father lay is distress in a broken bed, in a room full of mothers hoarding, his ability to breathe was getting worse due to the accumulated dust in the house. I returned to my family who were unable to call my fathers bank to freeze his bank accounts whilst he was hospitalised, bedridden, no longer able to work. In 2018 the last letter from my father itemised the costs since meeting Napoli from 2004. By 2018 Napoli has cost us £1.6 million in financial losses, legal costs, attorney fees, bank loans, overdrafts, credit cards and interest payments with no end in sight. My father was paying more in bank interest, than his actual income. Hard decisions needed to made and my mother had extreme mental health issues of confusion.

    Keir Starmer's frightful teenager travel passport photograph (dob 02.09.1962) is held by "ARCHIV BEZPECNOSTNICH SLOZEK" translating "ARCHIVE OF SECURITY COMPONENTS", "enough for a Czechoslovak visa".

    Keir Starmer worked at independent law firm Mishcon de Reyawas, which had been fined for helping their clients evade taxes. Starmer was "Director of Public Prosection" DPP during very key coverups of British State crimes and conspiracies according to the Kit Klarenberg review from the "The Grey Zone", calling Starmer a "Coverup King".
    Sir Jimmy Saville (necrophiliac and pedophile friend of Prince Charles) was not prosecuted despite multiple police reports

    David Cameron "Greensill Capital" Ponzi fraud : Lex Greensill and David Cameron were investigated in the Greensill Capital Ponzi scheme. David Cameron earned £7.2million from Greensill Capital to get Government-backed Covid loans.

    Ian Cameron "Mossack Fonseca" Tax avoidance : The Panama Papers revealed Ian Cameron (David Cameron's father's) offshore fund. Mossack Fonseca shell corporations were used for illegal purposes, including fraud, tax evasion is part of a wider set of international criminality activity, together with money laundering, illicit finance and evading international sanctions. The Panama Papers contain personal financial information about wealthy individuals and public officials that had previously been kept private Mossack Fonseca. The Panama Papers revealed many heads of state or government leaders from Argentina, Iceland, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and the United Arab Emirates as well as government officials, close relatives, and close associates of various heads of government of more than forty other countries.

    As a direct result of the Panama Papers investigation

    Max Spiers : Schema

    By the time period I first heard of Max Spiers (Old Boy from Canterbury, Christened and Confirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Canterbury Cathedral), was after his tragic death. Max Spiers's works all came from interviews, rich in content, professional with diverse concepts full of compassion, empathy and kindness. An internal representation of the world; an organisation of concepts and actions that can be revised by new information about the world. Max Spiers's thoughts had to be put into writing, as all the sophisticated thought comes from writing, once in writing it is easier to discuss. Max Spiers's detailed body of work reinspired the research into cell biology, first ever taught to me by Mr Waterfield in Edge Grove. Max Spiers helped me remember the floors of living scripted lives by the control system. On completing an Apheresis course for Plasmapheresis, this then developed strategies in Age Regression in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Fisetin, Medium Chain Triglycerides and Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate (Ca α‐KG)). Monthly I donate plasma to the "Give Blood" campaign.

    Max Spiers also successfully connected the higher echelons of legal, policital, military, advanced science, secret organisations from private schools to Universities. My only regret was that Max Spiers was not alive to meet face to face, I only have the body of work left to combine research, also continuing the search for the Grail (State of Mind, Consciousness, DNA that can been truely retained). My future ambition in 'Applied Science' is to develop an acoustic nanofilter. A state-of-the-art Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) separation technique with large throughput. Ultrasound pressure can be tuned to separate a particular size of particle in a specially-designed medium.

    Boarding School Syndrome / Institutionalisation / Boarding School Survival / Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) / Suppression

    The self perpetuating cycle of formal institutions from private schooling to leadership.

    The Mobius loop is the unfamiliar name of a very familiar symbol: a triangle composed of three arrows looping back on themselves in clockwise direction. This symbol indicates that a product can be recycled, but not necessarily that it has been itself produced from recycled materials.

    The Ouroboros (snake swallowing it's tail), breaking the same cycle creating a new paradigm of the generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time. The current paradigm is completely inverted in every possible sense. Everything they do is inverted. They even speak in inversion. The justice system, the teaching system, the political system is all inverted.
    Psychohistory of the British boarding private school child develops a "split", a false self :

    Nick Duffell explains the child is constantly afraid of breaking the rules, or tempted to, it is the same thing. Nick Duffell explicates boarding School Syndrome produces "Woundend Leaders", alike David Cameron has similar characteristics to a 7 year old. The system develops a boarding school characteristic that is very strategic, always trying to get away with stuff, doing the work, defensive (really is out for for number one), but can live in groups at the same time. The abused child survivor of boarding school must retrain mind, body, emotions, spirituality, sexuality, characteristics, identity, beliefs, values, way of thinking and autonomic behaviors. The programming of the psyche commonly breaks down into the 40's. Mental triggers like smelling wooden floor polish can set of the memories.

    Explained in the popular psychological works of Alice Miller, where she explains "Poisonous Pedagogy" where you devise systems to break the will of the child and then the child could be made, before that they were unmade. The phenomenon of Socialistion, where you breed the kind of people you want into society.

    Boys' prep schools are generally for 8-13 year-olds, who are prepared for the Common Entrance Examination, the key to entry into many secondary independent schools. The English boarding school is crammed with rules, the child is told off, put on "Satis", you could get into trouble for having jacket buttons undone, or walking on grass unless a certain age, and child beatings by teachers / "Prefectorial" caning. In many English and Commonwealth private schools, authority to punish was traditionally also given to certain senior students (often called prefects). In the early 20th century, permission for prefects to cane younger students (mainly secondary-age boys) was also widespread in British public schools

    A preparatory school (or, shortened: prep school) in the United Kingdom is a fee-charging independent primary school that caters for children up to approximately the age of 13. The term "preparatory school" is used as it prepares the children for the Common Entrance Examination in order to secure a place at an independent secondary school, typically one of the English public schools. They are also preferred by some parents in the hope of getting their child into a state selective grammar school. Most prep schools are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, which is overseen by Ofsted on behalf of the Department for Education.

    There are 130,000 pupils in over 500 prep schools of all types and sizes. Prep schools may be for boys or girls only, or may be co-educational. They may be day schools, boarding schools, weekly boarding, flexi-boarding, or a combination. They fall into the following general categories:

    The Independent Association of Prep Schools is a prep schools heads association; one of seven affiliated associations of the Independent Schools Council.

    Elitism : Pre-Prep of a British Empire

    Pre-prep schools are generally associated with prep schools, and take children from reception, i.e. five years of age. Provision for younger children is generally called a nursery school or kindergarten.

    History of British Upper Classes to Royalty

    Not having empathy for the child that you were, is replayed when making social policy for the less fortunate.

    Prince Charles is said to never to have been touched by his mother. Prince Charles in Gordonstoun boarding school was bullied frequently. Prince Andrew with Prince Edward followed in their father's and elder brother's footsteps. Gordonstoun has a long history of bullying (controlling and coercing), physical punishment, strict discipline with cold showers. Gordonstoun is facing claims by former students that they were abused by predatory paedophiles. Gordonstoun is particularly urgent because Scotland's archaic laws around proving sexual assault dissuade victims from coming forward. This results in predators, who might be brought to trial, remain at large and free to offend.

    Prep schools were originally developed in England and Wales in the early 19th century as boarding schools to prepare boys for leading public schools, such as Eton College, Radley College, Harrow School, Charterhouse School, Oundle School, Rugby School, St Paul's School, Westminster School and Winchester College. The numbers attending such schools increased as many parents were overseas in the service of the British Empire. Prep schools are now found in all parts of the United Kingdom, and elsewhere.