Ingo Timmann is German, born in Hamburg on 21st July 1936, whose grandfather, Oscar Timmann born 25th October 1885 killed himself 9th March 1929 by a gun to the head, living only 43 years. The suicide was brought on from usury and inflation. The suicide was induced from great financial presure, forced to selling into many inherited pubs in Hamburg.
The Allied bombing of Hamburg during World War II included numerous attacks on civilians and civic infrastructure. Ingo Timmann with his mother, Elfried Sievers stayed in underground shelters most nights, which Ingo described as awful, but sat by the ventlation window to get "fresh air". Hamburg was divided into sections and still is in house number "EC***", "W***" for example (which the community shelter assigned by the section manager). Ingo lived in a three storey building on the second floor, which had it own bunker, not classified as safe. Factories has increased their protect during this period. Underground shelters has provision of food. There were some trees around the underground bunker. On one day leaving the underground shelter, most of the domestic houses were destroyed. Wooden building were burning which spread to brick buildings. Their family business of glass factories were turned into large molten glass heaps. Ingo Timmann (7 years old) and Elfried Sievers went north of Hamburg on the 23rd July 1943 to her parents (Ingo's grandparents of mothers side) at Schleswig-Holstein, which Ingo loved it there, to treat Ingo Timmann's Tuberculosis (TB). On returning to Hamburg practically everyone in our area was killed, the family house was bombed which they would not have survived. Ingo regretted being too young to join the "Hitlerjugend", it was like a badge of honour, an Iron Cross (Class 1 and 2 depending on the severity of where you were living) which parents enclouraged their sons to joing the "Hitlerjugend". Britain, America and Russia invaded Germany.
Ingo's mother escaped the bombing to Nortoff (North of Hamburg), on returning a lot of people were killed. On returning they were all dead. The first dead body Dad saw, Dad cannot remember. The requiement was more important to stay away from th bombing. Dad's mother tried to shelter Ingo from extreme situation by rountinely taking ingo away. The medicne chest was by Elfriede Sievers account thought the medical wall mout would collapse on Ingo. Ingo was lucky to be alive by his own account, and did not appreciate it at time, and that is what happened. War was frignenting, not sure where to hide. Ingo says his mother was not crazy. Ingo knew and was told father was fighting the war. Hair was burnt off. Dad had many friends (In school Peter Leder, Uwe Korswand, Karl Von Frieling a "nordic posh name".). Bombing was till the end of the war. Holger (half) was adopted by Heinz. Ingo says there is more interm of decision than it is these days.
Told in school not salute. One kid in class still did salute. A person came into the class room and demande that the natural salute was forbidden. The greeting was told to be wrong, yet one male kid in the class room shouted it out! The teacher Fraulei Graefe witnessed the silenet class a at a "uncertain time". Ingo's mother was quite "good looking" and cared for us. Ingo was a only child. Ingo's mpther had dark hair, lines on forehead.
"Dorethe" in Hope Valley in Derbshire. Ingo's interest was Roman history, travelling and American books of action, such as "bourne identity". Ingo left kids to play in lakes and cliff edges sometimes seeing kid friends that were made.
Ingo Timmann and Heinz Timmann living in a house near the Markthoff in Schanzenviertel / Sternschanze / Millerntor Hamburg you could see the Altona Train station train station, on one occasion saw Hitler himself. As the train left to Hamburg Hauptbahnhof (Hamburg Central Station), in the last moment Hitler saluted from an open door to the public that gathered to witness the leader.
Your family gave shelter to others Germans during war. The need to help other German soldiers was so stong that you housed them in you own home. Giving food and shelter. Feeling the war could not be won. Coming to Manchester was a dramatic change. Learning English was daily speaking to people.
After World War 2 ended Ingo Timmann found a dead baby in the large famous Eppendorfer Moor lake in Hamburg. Ingo staying with the white baby girl's corpse, whilst Ingo's friend he ran to notify the police, which was quite far away. Ingo was relieved when the police arrived as they handled the matter. Wagons driving by sometimes dropped coal, which Ingo collected of the ground.
Ingo still claims to suffer PTSD, getting an uneasy feeling, being afraid, from at youth running from bombs dropping, seing the actual planes drop bombs, from hearing explosions. On Ingo living and working in the United Kingdom, he found English people happy to move on and forget World War 2. Only one person had confronted Ingo in the early times. In Ingo Timmann's elderly age we had been defrauded in the United Kingdom in a ponzi fraud which Keir Starmer, head of CPS : Crown Prosecution Service (DPP : Director of Public Prosecution) had the charges of Fraud, Deception and Money Laundering dropped, which can be read here. Traditional enemies are masters of usury and leaders in treachery. They will leave you nothing, either in this world or the next.
Ingo used to cut the hedges with long Schere.
Ingo Timmann with Roy Wheeler won 5 wins out of a possible 6 the final at Watford Fencing Club John Ellis in the B Foil. Dueling scars (German: Schmisse) have been seen as a "badge of honour"
"pong pongs" were fashion. During World War 2 Ingo had a necklace with door key to be free to go out and return
1945 Heinz Timmann captured in France at the end of World War 2, imprisoned for a year, , walked by foot from France back to Hamburg, still wearing the grey German military uniform. Heinz on arriving at Hamburg, who was very underweight, saw his 9 year old son Ingo outside, Heinz asked Ingo, "Where is mother", where Ingo, saying nothing, just pointed up to the house they were living
Elfried Sievers, her hair was temporarily burnt off at some point during World War 2
Non related family. Framed photograph on shelf at Kings Langley office, symbolic of the physical height of Germans surrendering to dwarfs.
Ingo on travels to Iraq, with a donkey centre.
03.06.2018 : Disorientated Ingo Timmann taken at Watford General Hospital
Ingo Timmann Sepsis Recovery Chronology Timeline of events
17.01.2018 : Mesenchymal stem cell research starts
06.08.2018 : Wet Laboratory finally completed, 6 months from starting Mesenchymal stem cell research
December 2018 : Ingo Timmann, aged 82 years old, first diagnosed with sepsis in the blood requiring antibiotics
15.06.2019 : Photograph below taken in Watford General of Ingo Timmann, weak, very underweight and still smiling
12.10.2019 : Ingo receives a single Mesenchymal stem cells treatment, 4 months after photograph below, Mesenchymal stem cell research completed after 1.75 years from very start,
21.10.2019 : Ingo Timmann, aged 83 years old, all clear results from blood test of all Sepsis infection with no further antibiotics required. Watford General Hospital Blood Test (just 9 days after initial treatment), Ingo had not had Sepsis since
Could be Muriel on the left
Schule Klasse Foto, Klassenkameraden friends are Karl Von Frieling and Peter Leder but cannot pin the name to the face yet
Ingo Timmann sitting at the very back of the class on the left side, head leaning on open palm. "4 persons heads to the right" of Ingo Timmann 's position is "Uwe Korswandt", who has a side hair parting, with white shirt with a folding collar.
"4 persons heads to the left" of Ingo Timmann the man with blond hair, strong jawline wearing a black shirt, which Ingo did not like or had a disagreement with.
Teacher is "Fräulein Gräve".
The boy smiling at the very front of the class photograph was handicapped. When exploring with Ingo, he nearly tripped off a cliff edge but was pulled back by Ingo!
Ingo remembers every single persons face in the photograph
?in your dream, you are looking at other peopses clothes cabinatet, you fee=l free, you are looking through their items, with interests
June 2018
June 2018
15.08.2013 : Photograph taken after Pali argues with Ingo, demanding more money be borrowed to pay David Dushane in California. Ingo shouts "We have nothing left on the credit cards", runs upstairs on slippery shoes (containing no gripping shape), falls, breaks right leg. Joint Replacement (Broken Leg) bolted attachment.
13.09.2013 : Osteopenia (Low bone density : The protein and mineral content of bone tissue is reduced, less severely than osteoporosis)
June 2018
17th February 2025
2024 :Ingo recalled Deutscher Adler, the Sturmabteilung (SA) pronounced "SR" and Schutzstaffel (SS), Heinrich Himmler opposed Freemasonry (Freimaurerei) and Communism
Alcoholic Drinks Manufactured under "Schacht" and "Heinz Timmann" in Hamburg Pre World War 2 :