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The Matrix defined deep state control systems

Underlying plot concepts opened up the consciousness :

Waking up to the real world is a traumatic experience, understanding everything one has experienced is a lie
Volunteer consciousness can help some people, whilst others cannot overcome their sense of reality
People are tracked by agents / handlers who control the conscious to unconscious choices
Some people do see through a complex simulation process
The public are easily brought in, rounded up, ordered and sorted, defining the control system of containment (a prison without walls)

The stages of breaking down the Matrix :
Unlearning trickery (misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way)
Self knowledge (processing truth from false conceptions of reality)
Overcoming hedonism (the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle) and doubt, Freedom of thought (belief in self) :

Jean Baudrillard was a French sociologist and philosopher with interest in cultural studies. Simulacra and Simulation (The Body in Theory: Histories of Cultural Materialism) was used in the Matrix.

Sophia Stewart exposes Hollywood elites (Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.) stealing the Matrix and Terminator copyright in US Courts. The original author of black artwork, transcending control systems, inspired by Malcolm X.

Max Spiers discussed in detail a broad range of subjects within the themes of the Matrix 1 & 4 films (Humanism / Age Regression, hidden aspects of history, in a video collection ).

The Matrix Film - Overcoming corrupt systems